Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Our Third Morning: Hyderabad

I know we said this yesterday, but it's hard to believe it's only our third morning in India. Between full days and taking a lot in, it's been a whirlwind since we've arrived - but the team is doing very well! 

If you've been following closely, you might notice the previous two days' posts were put up late after our arrival to HYD - the team is learning what it means to be flexible with our expectations here :) 

After a wonderful morning yesterday, we had a few frustrations in travel over the evening, but I believe it is a true sign of team development how the group has handled the unexpected together and generally faired ok! Through it all yesterday, we have laughed and laughed together, but it is good to wake up in Hyderabad! 


A more relaxed day, this final day of our in-country orientation time will have us visiting a few more religious and historical sites, experiencing an open market, and eating Byriani! We're a little bit excited :) It'll be nice to sleep in the same hotel tonight, and then after a train ride in the morning, we begin our time in Chiluvuru at Menno-Clinic India! 

So while it seems like we've been here awhile, we're only just beginning. Thanks for your prayers and support, we appreciate it greatly! 

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